Easily check all historical searches in the Website list, collect and sort out your competitors into categories for tracking and comparison.

Save Website Search History

Website List Tool by Niche Finder helps you check all addresses that have been searched before and track their corresponding relevant information.

Website List By Niche Finder

The data includes:

1. Domain

2. Website title

3. Monthly visits

4. Website Rank

5. Direct traffic

6. Search traffic

7. WHOIS date

Collect Websites in Different Categories

With Website Collection, you can organize competitors’ websites into different categories, which enhances efficiency and clarity in various endeavors.

Niche Finder

By systematically categorizing these websites, you can gain a competitive edge, fostering innovation and agility in adapting to evolving market dynamics.

Easy Access to Semrush, Similarweb and Web.archive

You can not only see some basic information about the website in the Website List, but there are quick entrances to Semrush, Similarweb, and Web.archive, making it convenient for further analysis.

Website List & Collection

All Websites in Collection Can Be Exported and Saved

All website data can be exported as PNG, PDF, or CSV files for saving, sharing, or further analysis. If you are a Pro user, you can also customize the logo and title of the exported report.

Website List and Collection By Niche Finder


The information in the report includes:

1. Domain

2. Total Visits

3. Direct traffic

4. Search traffic

5. Global Rank

Website List & Collection Tool FAQs

What is a Website Collection Tool?

A Website Collection Tool is a service designed to gather and compile information from various websites or online sources.

Can I Add or Delete Websites Collected in the Website Collection?

Yes, you can click the blue icon in Actions, and add or delete a dedicated website address.